Who doesn’t like a shiny red truck?

The Urban Pump Type 3 (UPT3) is the latest in the Hazmat, Structural, Rescue (HSR) base appliances.

As the name suggests, the truck is suitable for all types of incidents the brigade attends as a Fire & Rescue Service. Being on the metropolitan fringe, the brigade attends a mixture of bushfire, structure fires and traffic accidents. With the arterial Brookton Hwy heading from town to the wheatbelt, the brigade attends a number of serious high speed accidents.

Vehicles suitability is key

Vehicles play a large role in what we do. Without them we wouldn’t be able to perform our role. At Roleystone VFRS, we are lucky that funding through the Emergency Services Levy (ESL), we have the best appliances and equipment possible.

Roleystone Light Tanker

Recently, the brigade received its first Light Tanker (LT), the next generation with enhanced crew protection for when things unfortunately turn pear shaped.

Whilst the LT’s role is primarily bushfire based, it supports the UPT3 with additional crews, traffic management and can access places where the pum

Roleystone PC.

It’s more than just a bus. For our brigade, the Personnel Carrier  is critical in transporting our relief crews to the fire ground, movement of our cadets for activities and supporting general brigade activities.

Contact Us

RVFRS Duty Officer: +61 419 656 062

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